What is SEHAP - State Environmental Health Action Plan

Starting in 2016, the implementation of NEHAP has been extended to the state level and is called the State Environmental Health Action Plan (SEHAP).

The implementation requirements of SEHAP are stated in the NEHAP Guidance Document:
  • 2.3.1 Institutional Components and Government Structures – Polices, Procedures, Economic Factors and Legislative Requirements:
    • (d) Develop effective delegation of rsponsibilities from Federal to State and Local Government levels while maintaining a consistent approach.
There are two (2) objectives for the implementation of SEHAP as follows:
  1. Provide a more systematic mechanism, comprehensive and improve the health of the environment in a state and explain the duties and responsibilities of various stakeholders.
  2. Is a method of planning and implementation of environmental health actions comprehensively, holistically, involving various service disciplines and inter-sectoral cooperation at the state level.
Initially, Perak, Melaka dan Pahang were selected to become pilot states to implement SEHAP in 2016.    It was then extended to other states in stages, as agreed at the NEHAP Steering Committee Meeting No. 1/2017 on 17 April 2017. Ten (10) states government has agreed to implement SEHAP.